Sunday, November 8, 2009


I look outside and see the leaves and the wind whisking through the air

They are careful to not intrude on their stay..

I look in the mirror and those leaves magically turn into the truth,

all these different shades of truth,

the oranges make me laugh while the yellow brings a tear of sadness.

The mirror doesn't allow me to fake it, I am forced to see how these past couple years have affected me and my heart.

Oh my poor heart.

it has been through a game of tug o war,

thankfully i look into the mirror and see a light, a light that is similar to the sun

The sun shinning so bright, and my heart starts to smile

Those fall colors soon fade into a green,

mother nature recycled my feelings and made everything new again

well its fresh until it all goes back to fall, then the cycle begins and my head will fall back down off the posture i hold so high.

The wind gets chilling. and my hopes get as high as the bluebird on that branch,

you see that branch that goes up to the heart of the forest?

It's hard to reach but it can be achieved..

using a ladder would be cheating and a symphony would give me the courage to grow, to grow so tall that nothing fails me...

The music notes are going to dance around my toes and the fall air will bow down to the courage i can portray.
I will now just look at my reflection and giggle and those leaves who tried to put me down..

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